1) I ... my friends tonight. a) am meeting b) will meet c) am going to meet 2) Who (win) the Olympic Games this year? a) will win b) is going to win c) is winning 3) I ... the contract soon. a) will sign b) am going to sign c) am signing 4) What time ... tomorrow? a) will you leave b) are you going to leave c) are you leaving 5) I ... probably ... New York one day a) will visit b) am going to visit c) am visiting 6) I'm sure you ... your interview! a) shall fail b) won't fail c) aren't failing 7) The new Master ... tomorrow at 5. Are you ready to meet him? a) will come b) is going to come c) is coming 8) Watch out! This dog ... you! a) will bite b) is going to bite c) is biting 9) We ... tonight. Do you want to join? a) will go out b) are going to go out c) are going out 10) A: Mike is late today. Do you know why? B: I (call) him a) will call b) am going to call c) am calling 11) The plane ... at 10 a.m. a) leave b) leaves c) is leaving 12) I think the rescue boat ... soon. a) will come b) is coming c) is going to come 13) I promise I ... harder. a) am going to work b) will work c) won't work

Future forms (will, going to, Present Simple, Present Continuous)






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