1. I help ____ the company is producing what people want to buy and ____ our products. 2. My ____ is finding and testing new products. I am ____. 3. I ____ the team who make our products and I am ____ their safety and work. I am ____. 4. I do the ____ and ____. I am accountant. 5. I ____ with our suppliers and make sure we buy equipment and materiels ____ the best prices. I am ____. 6. I am responsible for ____ and issues to do with staff ____. I am ____.7. I ____ some of the equipment for making our products. I am ____. 8. I am responsible for computer systems. I install hardware and software and ____ any problems. I am ____. 9. I meet possible new ____ and give them information about our products. I am ____. 10. I ____ deliveries, record ____ and make sure it is stored correctly. I am ____.






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