1) God is kind to those who do not deserve it. a) Gracious b) Guide 2) We cannot understand all of God’s thoughts and ways. a) Incomprehensible b) Faithful 3) God will do all He has promised. a) Father b) Faithful 4) God is high and lifted up. He is set apart from His creation. He is perfect in goodness and righteousness. No one is like God. a) Holy b) Patient 5) Everything God is, does or says is right, including His Word in Scripture. a) Provider b) Perfect 6) God reaches down and rescues sinners from the penalty of death and hell that our sin deserves. a) Savior b) Invisible 7) God controls all things. He will accomplish His plan because He alone has power to do it. a) Love b) Sovereign 8) God is not an idea or an impersonal force. God has a mind and a will, and He communicates. a) Just b) Person 9) God has unlimited power, authority and influence. He is the source of all power. a) Omnipotent b) Invisible 10) God has no sin and is positively perfect. God never lies. He is fair, just and faithful in all He does. a) Guide b) Righteous 11) God gives generously to every creature He has made. He feeds the birds and gives us our daily bread. a) Accesible b) Provider 12) God gives those who believe His Spirit, adopts us into His family and makes us His children. God loves, protects, cares for, trains and disciplines His children. a) Eternal b) Father 13) God does not give us what our sins deserve. He forgives and restores those who repent and turn to Him in faith. a) Merciful b) Invisible 14) God will continue the good work He started in us. Jesus promised that no one can take you out of God’s hand. a) Preserver b) Person 15) God cannot ignore sin because He is holy. Every penalty will be fair and right. God does not treat His children as their sins deserve because Jesus suffered the full punishment for our sins. a) Glory b) Just 16) God is loving, faithful, righteous, compassionate and satisfies those in need. Even when bad things happen, God promises to make all things work together for our benefit. a) Eternal b) Good 17) God exists outside of time. He has always been and always will be. a) Eternal b) Creator

BSF Attributes Matthew 17





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