Rome had 7 villages settled in the valley - Which statement about Rome's climate is FALSE?, The Tiber - Which river was Rome settled on?, Latin - The people of Latium spoke a language known as , Alps - What mountain range separates Italy from the rest of Europe?, Sicily - Italy is shaped like a boot, with the tip of the boot pointing toward what island?, The Aeneid - What epic by Virgil tells the story of how a Trojan hero named Aeneas settled Rome?, Wolves - According to another legend, Remus and Romulus were two brothers raised by, The Greeks - Who did the Romans get their alphabet from?, A toga - A short robe that Roman men wore is called a , republic - A ____________ is a form of government where people elect their leaders, True - True or False? A group of about six thousand Roman soldiers was called a legion., senators - Which one is NOT a plebeian? , To reject it - To veto something means , Patricians - Which word describes people that came from the oldest and most important families., For life - How long did Senators hold their offices?, The Twelve Tables - What was the written display of laws in the center of Rome called?, Omen - A synonym for sign or prediction , Straw - Settlers in Rome built their first homes from this, Etruscans - This group modeled (showed) Rome how to build an army, Counsels - The two chief officials chosen by the Roman Assembly every year, Senate - This group chose the consuls, Dictator - A leader with absolute power, Patricians - Wealthy, important land owners, Plebeians  - Farmers, soldiers, craftsmen, and merchants were in this class, Tribunes - Rulers chosen by the plebeians to serve common people, 12 Tables - A list of written Roman laws,

Roman Republic





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