1) on passover we eat ________ a) matza b) people c) cardboard d) bread 2) there were ______ plagues a) 44 b) 900 c) 70 d) 12 e) 11 f) 10 3) there were ___plagues in one parsha and___in an other a) 7 and 3 b) 6 and 4 c) 10 and 0 d) 23 and 0 4) in the ___ plague first borns died a) 10th b) 9th c) 8th d) 7th e) 1st f) 0th 5) a pillar of ______followed Israel during the day and a pillar of______at night a) fire and ice b) ice and water c) fire and cloud

passover quiz





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