1) The dance style the Zouk originated in Martinique a) Vrai b) Faux 2) Martinique wasn't claimed by the French until 1815 a) Vrai b) Faux 3) The island of Martinique is smaller than New York City a) Vrai b) Faux 4) Martinique uses their own currency (not the Euro) a) Vrai b) Faux 5) Martinique has more than 400,000 residents a) Vrai b) Faux 6) The two main languages spoken on the island are: French and English a) Vrai b) Faux 7) Martinique is considered an overseas Department but also a Region of France a) Vrai b) Faux 8) Martinique exports oil, bananas, rum, and pineapples a) Vrai b) Faux 9) The majority of the population is Roman-Catholic a) Vrai b) Faux 10) The capital of Martinique is Sainte-Marie a) Vrai b) Faux 11) Martinique is known for it's rum a) Vrai b) Faux 12) There are no volcanoes in Martinique a) Vrai b) Faux 13) Martinique was discovered in 1502 a) Vrai b) Faux 14) Colombo de Martinique is a popular dish a) Vrai b) Faux 15) Tourists love to visit the beaches in Martinique a) Vrai b) Faux

Martinique Trivia






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