1) Do we have extra vision benefits? a) Yes, it is one of the Value-Added Services offered by the plan b) No, it is not a Value-Added Service offered by the plan 2) Are sports and camp physicals a covered Medicaid benefit?  a) Yes, it is a covered Medicaid benefit and not a Value-Added Service by the plan b) No, it is not covered by Medicaid, but it is one of the Value-Added Services offered by the plan 3) What does MSHCN stand for? a) A Member with Specific Health Care Needs b) A Member with Special Health Care Needs c) A Member with Serious Health Care Needs 4) Who determines eligibility for STAR (Medicaid) and CHIP? a) DCHP b) HHSC c) HCSC d) HHCS e) DELL 5) What does PCP stand for? a) People's Choice Provider b) Personal Care Provider c) Primary Choice Provider d) Primary Care Provider e) Personal Chosen Provider 6) What does EPSDT stand for?  a) Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment b) Extra and Primary Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment c) Early and Periodic Screening, Drugs, and Therapy d) Extra and Primary Screening, Diagnosis, and Therapy e) Expanded and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment 7) What is a LARC? a) Low-Acting Rescindable Contraceptive b) Legal-Acceptable Reversible Contraceptive c) Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive d) Long-Acting Rescindable Contraceptive e) Low-Acting Reversible Contraceptive 8) What is a child of a migrant farm worker (CMFW)? a) They are a Medicaid eligible child that travels with their MFW parent(s) b) They are the Medicaid Eligible child of a MFW parent(s) c) They are a Medicaid eligible child that lives with their MFW parent(s) 9) Who administers the DCHP prescription drug benefit? a) Magellan b) Superior c) Navitus d) Access2Care e) Maximus 10) What are the Call Center Hours? a) M-F 8 am to 6 pm est excluding state approved holidays b) M-F 8 am to 6 pm cst excluding state approved holidays c) M-F 8 am to 6 pm pst excluding state approved holidays d) M-F 8 am to 6 pm mst excluding state approved holidays e) M-F 6 am to 8 pm cst excluding state approved holidays 11) If a Member calls about eligibility, where do you refer them? a) 211 b) 611 c) 911 d) 411 e) 711 12) If a Member is hard of hearing, who do you call for assistance? a) 211 b) 411 c) 711 d) 911 e) 611 13) What does HHSC stand for? a) Happy Healthy Service Connection b) Health and Human Services Company c) Happy Humans Service Company d) Health & Humanities Support Center e) Health & Human Services Commission 14) What does TMHP stand for? a) Too Many Health Procedures b) Texas Mental Health Program c) Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership d) Texas Medicaid Health Providers e) Texas Mental Health Partnership 15) Who administers the Behavioral Health Network for Dell Children’s Health Plan? a) Superior b) Magellan c) Access2Care d) Maximus e) Navitus

DCHP Readiness Review Quiz






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