Perhaps she is gathering her courage to start a new life. (modal), So, how can we conquer our fear and start living a more adventurous life?, Change does not come easy: how should you mitigate your concerns?, I'm sure that I'm not in the group of 80 per cent of the people who gave up on their resolutions. (modal), How not to get stuck in, what we call " worst-case scenario thinking"?, Is it OK to experience threshold fear , jumping in at the deep end if you feel too uncertain?, It's possible she didn't quit smoking. (modal), Should you stifle your emotions when you feel bad?, How to go with the flow when you start working somewhere?, I'm sure that she trusted her gut and changed her job. (modal), This book can do a lot to help you ________________ about the future. It has a calming and motivating effect., There was a flurry of activity in the company in preparation for the________________., If you've just started a new life in a new country, it's better to just ________________ for a while and see what people are like., When we are afraid, we often try _______________________, pretending not to notice them in order to avoid taking action..






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