Double helix - A DNA molecule is described as being what shape?, Adaptation  - Ability to adjust to living with nature is called?, Skin - What is the human body’s largest organ?, Phtotsynthesis - What is the name of the process used by plants to convert sunlight into food?, Radius - What is the name of the bone that runs along the thumb side of your arm?, Femur - What is the bone that connects your hips to your lower limbs?, Proteins - How are muscles reparied?, C One - What is the name of your first vertebrae? , Skull - Where is the brained stored?, ATP - What is the human body's source of energy?, Stomach - Where is food digested?, Acidic - A pH of 1 is...?, Knees - What part of the leg allows for bending?, Central Nervous System - The spinal cord and brain are part of what nervous system?, Basic - A pH of 13 is....?, Arteries - What carries blood away from the heart?, Veins - What carries blood to the heart?, Bicep - What muscle is exercised during a dumbbell curl?, Three - How many layers of skin are there?, Twenty - How many phalanges does the average person have?,

first science activity






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