1) When do you get your books? a) After you come to 1 class b) After you come to 4 classes 2) What is the first thing you do each class? a) Write your name and time in sign-in sheet b) Take out your books and homework 3) What time does class START? a) 6:15 PM b) 6:30 PM 4) What do you do if you will be late or can't come to class? a) Do nothing b) Text Lilly or Joseph 5) How do you have success in English class? a) Do your homework, follow feedback, and use new vocabulary b) Only do work that you feel like doing, forget feedback, and come to a few classes 6) Do you need to use Google Classroom for English class? a) Yes! b) No! 7) What is the topic for the FIRST unit? a) Jobs b) Community 8) Which Wednesday do we NOT have class? a) September 28th b) October 5th c) October 12th

QUIZ - Class Info






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