General Education Teacher: Know and understand individual student IEP-directed goals and/or objectives related to the content/course.IEP-directed goals and/or objectives related to the course/contentucator input., Include any required accommodations and/or modifications in lesson planning.s., Provide the direct teach portion of the lesson to the entire class.aprofessional (that is in the general education class) on who, what, and how to re-teach, Reteach as necessary or provide direction to the classroom paraprofessional on who, what, and how to re-teach, Assist students as needed with individual work, Special Education Teacher: Ensure the general educator is aware of any individual student IEP-directed goals and/or objectives related to the course/contentn services per their IEPs. , Implement IEP goals and/or objectives including specially designed instruction required by the IEP.of the student's IEP and the SDI they should receive during instruction. , Collaborate with the general educator to implement the direct teach portion of the lesson.ducation instruction, in collaboration with the general education teacher. , Re-teach content in small groups., Assist students as needed with individual work., Paraprofessional: Assist individual students, as directed by the teacher., Implement the supports directed by the teacher during the direct teach portion of the lesson., Work with small groups for re-teach as directed by the teacher.,

Teacher Collaboration in an Inclusive Environment: Whose Role Is it Anyway?






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