Bronze Age - The period of in ancient human culture when people began to make and use bronze, B.C.E - Before the Common Era, C.E. - Common Era; the global standard used to count years based on the traditionally reckoned year of the birth of Christ, Communicate - To share information with someone, Construct - To build by putting parts together, Date - establish the date of (an object or event)., Domesticate - To adapt an animal to live with humans for the advantage of the humans, Economy - The system of economic life in an area or country; an economy deals with making, buying, or selling goods and services, Flint - A rock that was flaked or ground in ancient times to form a tool or weapon., Ice Age - A time when glaciers covered much of the land, Migration - movement from one country, place, or locality to another, Method - A way of doing something, Monarchy - A government led by a king or queen, Nomads - having no fixed home and moving according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land, Paleolithic Age - early phase of the Stone Age, lasting about 2.5 million years when primitive stone tools were used, Technology - The use of advanced methods to solve problems; an ability gained by the practical use of knowledge, Shrine - A place where people worship, Specialization - The act of training for a particular job, Systematica Agriculture - The organized growing of food on a regular schedule, Wooly Mammoth - A large, hairy, extinct animal related to modern- day elephants,

Review: Early Human Vocab



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