1) з a) it takes...(three days) b) comfortable c) with d) indoor 2) тут a) in the mountains b) here c) with d) over 3) там a) here b) be (am/is/are) nice to guests c) there d) area 4) дуже a) very b) also c) over d) with 5) місце a) over b) sign c) place d) also 6) в горах a) also b) place c) in the mountains d) jet lag 7) але a) with b) give c) but d) over 8) це займає (три дні) a) it takes...(three days) b) but c) jet lag d) with 9) гід a) guide b) also c) there d) here 10) бути радому гостям a) also b) over c) very d) be (am/is/are) nice to guests 11) давати a) sign b) give c) but d) guide 12) знак a) very b) be (am/is/are) nice to guests c) sign d) give 13) понад a) here b) jet lag c) be (am/is/are) nice to guests d) over 14) зручно a) be (am/is/are) nice to guests b) comfortable c) it takes...(three days) d) give 15) також a) also b) comfortable c) indoor d) place 16) внутрішній (про будівлі), критий a) indoor b) over c) very d) be (am/is/are) nice to guests 17) площа a) but b) it takes...(three days) c) area d) be (am/is/are) nice to guests 18) синдром зміни часового поясу a) area b) jet lag c) in the mountains d) with






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