1) Name of Jesus' birth place 2) Name of Jesus' hometown 3) Name of Jesus' earthly parents 4) Names of Jesus' brothers 5) What was the first miracle that Jesus performed? 6) Which scroll did Jesus first read in the synagogue? 7) What language(s) did Jesus speak? 8) How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness? 9) At what age Jesus began his ministry? 10) How many times God spoke to Jesus audibly? 11) Who baptized Jesus? at where? 12) How much did Judas get for betraying Jesus? 13) Who told Mary to name the child Jesus? 14) Where was Jesus arrested? 15) Jesus referred himself many 'I am'. Can you name some? 16) What does the name of Jesus mean? 17) What was Jesus' last name? 18) How many people were crucified with Jesus? 19) Who claimed Jesus' body after crucifixion? 20) What was missing and what was left in the tomb? 21) Which disciple first saw the tomb was empty? Which disciple first went into the tomb? 22) Who announced the birth of Jesus to shepherds? 23) What was the relationship of John the Baptist and Jesus?  24) Name some miracles that Jesus performed. 25) How many disciples did Jesus choose after spent a night praying? Can you name them? 26) At whose house Jesus was anointed with very expensive perfume, made of pure nard? 27) Jesus' last supper was during which festival?  28) How many people did Jesus talk to on the road to Emmaus after resurrection? 29) Who ask to see the nail marks and put his fingers into the wound for him to believe Jesus' resurrection? 30) Who did Jesus ask 3 times to feed his lambs?

Facts about Jesus






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