Macduff - Person that kills MacBeth, Hecate - The boss of the witches, also known as the devil, Fleance - Banquo's son, Suicide - How Lady MacBeth dies, Greed - The powering emotion that drives MacBeth to commit murder, Thaneofglames - MacBeth's only title before the Thane of Cawdor, Blood - Lady MacBeth washes invisible ______ from her hands, Dunsinane - Name of MacBeth's Castle, Banquo - Person with MacBeth when the witches first speak to him, Witches - First three characters to appear in MacBeth, Born - MacBeth cannot be killed by any man _____ of woman, Deathbell - Signal for MacBeth to go to Duncan's room to commit murder,

Macbeth crossword





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