1) When was Muhammad ﷺ born? a) 455 b) 1200 c) 571 2) Where was Muhammad ﷺ born? a) Makkah b) Madinah c) United states 3) Who was Muhammad's ﷺ Mother? a) Haleemah b) Aminah c) Fatima 4) When did Muhammad's ﷺ mother pass away? a) After he was born b) When he was 6 years old c) When he was 8 years old 5) Who was Muhammad's ﷺ father? a) Abdullah b) Abu-Taleb c) Ibrahim 6) Did Muhammad ﷺ see his father Abdullah? a) Yes b) No 7) When did Muhammad's ﷺ father pass away? a) When he was 6 years old b) When he was 2 years old c) Before he was born 8) Who was Muhammad's ﷺ nursing mother? a) Haleema b) Amina c) Fatima 9) Who was Muhammad's ﷺ Grandfather? a) Ibrahim b) Abu- Talib c) Abdul-Muttalib 10) When did Muhammad's ﷺ grandfather pass away? a) When he was 8 years old b) Before he was born c) When he was 6 years old 11) Who was Muhammad's ﷺ Uncle? a) Ibrahim b) Abu- Talib c) Abdul-Muttalib 12) Who was Muhammad's ﷺ first wife? a) Khadijah b) Haleemah c) Amina 13) Who were Muhammad's ﷺ and Khadija's sons? a) Abu-Bakr & Omar b) Al-Hassan & Al-Hussein c) Al-Qasim & Abdullah 14) Who were Muhammad's ﷺ and Khadija's daughters? a) Hafsa & Zainab b) Fatima, Ruqayah, Zainab & Um-Kulthum c) Asma' & Khadijah 15) The Prophet's ﷺ grandsons are... a) Abu-Bakr & Omar b) Al-Hassan & Al-Hussein c) Al-Qasim, Ibrahim & Abdullah 16) When did the Muhammad ﷺ become a Prophet? a) When he was born b) When he was 25 years old c) When he was 40 years old 17) Where was Muhammad ﷺ when the Qur'an was revealed? a) At home b) In the Cave of Hira c) At the Ka'aba 18) On what night was the Qur'an revealed? a) Laylatul Qadr b) Laylatul Miraj c) Laylatul Baraat 19) Who visited Muhammad ﷺ in the Cave of Hira? a) Prophet Musa b) His wife Khadija c) Angel Jibreel 20) What were the first word Angel Jibreel said to Muhammad ﷺ? a) Iqra b) Bismillah c) Allahu Akbar 21) Who was the first Muslim and believer after the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? a) His friend, Abu Bakr b) His wife, Khadija c) His uncle, Abu Talib 22) Which city did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ move to after leaving Mecca? a) He stayed in Mecca b) Jerusalem c) Medina 23) How many years did it take for the entire Qur'an to be revealed? a) 5 years b) 23 years c) 50 years 24) When did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ pass away? a) 600 b) 800 c) 632 25) How old was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ when he passed away? a) 32 b) 78 c) 63 26) In which city is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ buried in? a) Mecca b) Medina c) Jerusalem 27) What was Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ mission? a) To make people believe in one God, Allah b) To teach people the message of Islam and the Qur'an c) To show people how to live and be kind to each other

Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) Quiz






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