1) You lose your pencil. a) Big Reaction - You take all the pencils and break them in half. b) Small - You ask the teacher for a new pencil. c) Medium - You cry. 2) There is a fire at school. a) Medium - You take your time getting out of the classroom. b) Small - You ignore the alarm and smoke. c) Big - You follow the adults instructions and stay with your class. 3) You are bored during a class or center. a) Small - You take a break in the cozy corner or draw quietly. b) Big - You start yelling at the adult and walk around the classroom. c) Medium - You stay at your desk but interrupt the class to tell them you are bored. 4) A friend calls you a mean name and it hurts your feelings. a) Big - You yell at them and chase them around the classroom. b) Medium - You quietly tell an adult and talk about how you feel. c) Small - You never tell your friend how it makes you feel. 5) You lose a game. a) Medium - You say you are never going to play the game again and stomp away. b) Big - You throw the pieces of the game across the room. c) Small - You move on to another game. 6) You have a small cut and your arm is bleeding a little. a) Small - You continue what you are doing. b) Medium - You tell an adult and ask for a bandaid. c) Big - You scream "I'm bleeding to death". 7) You accidentally spill water on your paper work. a) Big - You shake your paper work and get water all over your classmates. b) Small - You do nothing. c) Medium - You clean up your mess and ask an adult for new papers. 8) Someone pushes you down in PE. a) Small - You never say anything. b) Big - You push the other person and yell at them. c) Medium - You quietly let an adult know that someone is not playing nice. 9) You classmate is drawing on a table after the teacher told everyone to be careful and don't write on the desk. a) Medium - You quietly tell an adult and let them deal with the student. b) Big - You yell to the classroom "He's writing on the desk" and grab the pencil. c) Small - You ignore the problem. 10) Someone accidentally trips you in PE but you are not hurt. a) Small - You get up and realize that it was an accident. b) Medium - You yell out "He tripped me". c) Big - You chase after the peer and try to trip them. 11) A friend falls and breaks their leg. a) Medium - You ask your friend if it hurts. b) Big - You go tell an adult right away. c) Small - You go home. 12) You have to go to the end of the line. a) Big - You start to cry and yell "it's not fair" and refuse to go to the end of the line. b) Small - You go to the end of the line. c) Medium -You stomp your way to the end of the line. 13) It's the end of free time and you need to put your iPad away. a) Small - You put your iPad away. b) Big - You get mad throw your iPad and break it. c) Medium - You tell the adult to "wait I'm not done yet" again and again. 14) You forgot your lunchbox. a) Small - You don't say anything and don't eat. b) Medium - You let an adult know and ask if you can get a lunch. c) Big - You take food from someone else's tray without asking.
Size of the Problem and Reaction. Do They Match?
Grade 1-6
SEL Skills
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