1) Tom: "Excuse me, what's the ..... of this shirt?" Salesperson: "It's $50, but we have a sale going on right now." a) price b) charge c) value d) bargain e) worth 2) Emily: "Why did they ..... me extra for the meal?" Manager: "I'm sorry about that, let me check the bill and fix it for you." a) price b) charge c) value d) bargain e) worth 3) George: "I don't think this painting has much ...... ." Sophie: "Actually, it's a famous piece by a well-known artist." a) price b) charge c) value d) bargain e) worth 4) Lena: "I got this jacket for a .... price." Sara: "Really? It looks expensive." a) price b) charge c) value d) bargain e) worth 5) Max: "Do you think this antique vase is ..... anything?" Antiques dealer: "Yes, it's quite rare and valuable. I can give you an estimate if you'd like. a) price b) charge c) value d) bargain e) worth 6) I need .... to buy groceries for the week. a) cheque b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 7) The .... in my pocket is worth 25 cents. a) cheque b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 8) I exchanged my .... at the airport before my trip. a) cheque b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 9) The ..... in my wallet has a picture of a president on it. a) cheque b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 10) Can you give me a .... for this $10 bill, please? a) cheque b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 11) My grandma still writes ..... for her bills instead of using online banking. a) cheques b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 12) I need to withdraw some ... from the bank. a) cheques b) cash c) coin d) currency e) banknote f) change 13) The vending machine only accepts ... , not bills. a) cheques b) cash c) coins d) currency e) banknote f) change 14) I wrote a ... to pay my rent last week. a) cheque b) cash c) coins d) currency e) banknote f) change 15) USD is the official .... in the United States of America. a) cheque b) cash c) coins d) currency e) banknote f) change 16) Anna: "Hey, can I .... your pencil for a minute?" Ben: "Sure, take your time." a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 17) Sophie: "I'm planning to .... a new employee for my business." Tom: "That sounds exciting. What qualities are you looking for in a candidate?" a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 18) David: "Do you think you could ... me some money until I get paid?" Emma: "Of course, how much do you need?" a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 19) Lisa: "I'm planning to .... a car for our weekend getaway." Mark: "Great idea! Have you decided which company to use? a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 20) To supplement his research on environmental science, the professor went to ... a reference book from the university library. a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 21) After interviewing several candidates for the senior software engineer position, the company decided to ... a woman with exceptional coding skills and leadership experience. a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 22) As a way to show support for her friend who was going through a financial crisis, Sarah offered to ... her some money until she could get back on her feet. a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent 23) The couple planned to ... a cosy cabin near the lake for their honeymoon to enjoy the serene landscape and spend quality time together. a) borrow b) hire c) lend d) rent
ZNO Leader B2 Unit 7 Words easily confused
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