organism - A living thing (biotic) that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently., biotic - Living things in an ecosystem, abiotic - All of the non-living things in an ecosystem., biodiversity - Biological diversity. The variety of living things., ecosystem - A community of living organisms (biotic) and the nonliving (abiotic) things with which they interact., native species - A species that occurs naturally in an ecosystem., non-native species - Species that do not come from the area or region they are found growing or living. DO NOT cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health., invasive species - A species that is non-native to an ecosystem and is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health., species - Organisms similar in structure, function, behavior, and can reproduce., populations - A group of organisms of the same kind living in the same area., community - All living things in a certain area., habitat - The place or environment where an organism naturally or normally lives and grows., niche - The role or "job" and organism plays in the community., producer - An organism that can make its own food by using abiotic things from its surroundings., consumer - An organism that obtains energy from other other organisms., photosynthesis - Process by which organisms such as plants and phytoplankton capture sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide and create energy in which to live.,

2023 Biodiversity Basics






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