1) A salon code of practice is written to help employees avoid accidents and is used to support legislation? a) True b) False  2) Salon workplace policies set clear boundaries for areas such as employee conduct, bullying and harassment? a) True b) False 3) Health and safety legislation requires all those using equipment at work to... a) Use it and maintain it regularly b) Be fully trained and clean it after use c) Service it themselves every year d) Use new attachments for every client 4) The main conditions for the control of substances hazardous to health regulations is to store, handle, use and dispose of products according to.. a) The rules stated by salon manager b) The procedures stated by the manufacturer’s instructions c) The local council and salon policies d) The manufacturer’s instructions, salon policy and local bye laws 5) Which one of the following is the employer’s responsibility when maintaining health and safety? in the salon? a) To make sure all staff are paid fairly b) To train staff before using any equipment c) To make sure a risk assessment is carried out every day d) To write a contract that includes annual holiday entitlement 6) Which one of the following is the employee’s responsibility when maintaining health and safety? in the salon? a) To sterilise equipment everyday b) To wear non latex gloves at all times c) To remove or store client belongings d) To quickly deal with or report hazards 7) Which one of the following describes a hazard and its related risk? a) A chemical spillage and the chance of electrocution b) A wet floor and the chance of contracting a contagious disease c) Faulty equipment and the chance of someone tripping d) A blocked fire exit and someone being trapped in the building 8) An obstruction to a fire door is described as.. a) A risk b) A hazard c) A mistake d) An accident 9) Which one of the following hazards should be referred to a senior member? a) Spillages of water b) A faulty hair dryer c) Faulty scissors d) A trailing lead 10) What is the purpose of wearing gloves for waxing? a) To reduce the risk of contra-actions occurring b) To reduce the risk of coming into contact with bodily fluids c) To prevent the wax from sticking to the hands d) To prevent the skin from bruising when removing wax strips 11) Why should the therapists clothing and accessories be considered when maintaining health and safety in the salon? a) To protect clients from chemicals and make a good impression b) To stop chemical burns and make sure clients are satisfied c) To make sure that they do not become hazards and cause injury d) To stay in line with salon codes of conduct and local bye laws 12) Which one of the following identifies the most important reason for keeping the salon clean? a) To look professional b) To minimise cross infection c) To make sure the salon is working effectively 13) Why is it important for therapists to maintain the security of their own personal belongings at work? a) To make sure that their property is not stolen b) To make sure their property does not cause a hazard c) To make sure clients cannot see their possessions d) To make sure their work area is kept clean and tidy 14) Which one of the following is the correct action to take if a member of staff has a serious stomach upset? a) Treat it straight away in the salon b) Send them straight to the doctor c) Tell them to visit their doctor on their day off d) Allow them to finish their work and send them home 15) Which one of the following shows good hygienic working practices in the salon? a) Wash towels after each use on a high temp b) Rinse gowns weekly on a low temp c) Clean the floor once a month with sterilising liquid d) Sterilise metal tools in soapy water 16) Which one of the following is the best method for killing all bacteria? a) Washing in hot water b) Using an autoclave c) Immersing in disinfectant d) Using an ultra violet cabinet 17) Which one of the following is the best way to deal with a small item of electrical equipment that has burst into flames? a) Use a carbon dioxide filled fire extinguisher b) Use a water filled fire extinguisher c) Unplug and leave it alone d) Call the fire service 18) Which one of the following is a safe method of disposing of general waste? a) In a yellow sharps bin b) Placed in a lined, covered bin c) In manufacturers packaging d) Down the sink with plenty of cold water 19) Which one of the following would be the most likely result of using incorrect firefighting equipment on a fire? a) The fire could spread b) The fire could be put out c) Staff could sue the salon d) Client could sue the salon 20) It is important to report and record accidents to… a) Avoid legal action and comply with legislation b) Avoid legislation and comply with legal action c) Ensure sufficient records are produced d) Ensure the production of the correct paperwork 21) Which one of the following is the procedure for recording accidents? a) Write a short summary and be sure to sign it b) Ensure there are diagrams of the accident in case of legal action c) Write the contact details of all staff in the accident book d) Take full details of the incident and enter into the accident book 22) Which one of the following is the best course of action to take in the event of a salon fire? a) Take notes on fire safety and extinguish fire b) Make sure staff are aware of evacuation procedures c) Take all clients and their belongings to the front of the salon d) Call the emergency services and help clients exit the building 23) Which of the following outlines the main provisions of the health and safety legislation? a) All employers should have first aid training b) Everyone in the salon must deal with all types of hazards c) Staff must sign in when they arrive at the salon d) All employees must be aware of the correct procedures 24) Health and safety places a responsibility on employers to …. a) Provide a list for staff and clients to sign when they arrive b) Complete a record card for each client and keep it in a safe place c) Maintain healthy lifestyle by providing adequate eating and drinking facilities d) Ensure that staff using chemicals have the correct PPE 25) Who is the therapist responsible for the health and safety of? a) Clients who have appointments b) Everybody in the salon c) Other staff including juniors d) Themselves only 26) Which one of the following procedures should be followed when carrying out an underarm wax? a) Wipe over the area with a warm sponge soaked in surgical spirt b) Ask the client to remove all jewellery and underwear c) Wear disposable gloves when carrying out treatment d) Remove gloves before applying after lotion to prevent irritations 27) Which one of the following examples of personal presentation is an important part of heath and safety in the salon? a) Wearing the correct PPE for the service b) Wearing gloves all day c) Looking fashionable at all times d) Looking smart and professional 28) Which of the following is the most important reason to sterilise equipment after each service? a) To prevent cross infections b) To maintain salon equipment c) To maintain a professional image d) To meet COSHH regulations 29) Which one of the following is a good hygienic working practice for a salon? a) Wash towels when stained and sterilise all surfaces with disinfectant b) Wash all surfaces with soapy water and sterilise gowns at the end of every day c) Sterilise all tools in an autoclave and remove used towels form view d) Sterilise metal tools in an autoclave and wash towels on a high temperature 30) What is an autoclave used for? a) To sterilise b) To disinfect c) To sanitise d) To keep tools clean 31) Which two of the following fire extinguishers should not be used on an electrical fire? 1. Water 2. Foam 3. Dry powder 4. Carbon Dioxide a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 3 and 4 d) 4 and 1 32) Which one of the following is the responsibility of the therapist? a) Carry out a risk assessment for the salon b) Maintain stock levels in the store room c) Dispose of waste correctly d) Cash up at the end of each day 33) Where can information on the legal requirements for health and safety be accessed? a) Candidate hairdressing logbook b) Contract of employment c) Citizens Advice d) HSE (health and safety executive) 34) Which one of the following is the most suitable method for sterilising scissors? a) Moist heat b) Infra red rays c) Autoclave d) Household bleach 35) Which one of the following covers the legal requirements for the use of non-latex gloves? a) PPE b) Habia c) RIDDOR d) Salon policy 36) Which one of the following images would be on a first aid box? a) Red cross on a white background b) White cross on a green background c) Image of bandages d) Image of safety pins 37) A symbol with a yellow background and black cross means: a) Hazardous substance b) Slippery floor c) No go area d) Broken equipment 38) If a client blocks a fire exit with their shopping bags, you should: a) Ignore, if they are only in the salon for a short time b) Report to the manager when available c) Explain to the client and move the shopping for them d) Record in the salon’s risk assessment 39) When lifting a heavy box, you should always a) Ask for help b) Refuse to move the box c) Assess and follow Manual Handling Operations Regulations d) Assess and follow RIDDOR Regulations

Unit 202 Health and Safety Revision



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