1) Which one is James Monroe a) b) c) d) e) f) 2) Which one died a) Joe Biden b) Jimmy Carter c) Ronald Reagan d) George W Bush e) Bill Clinton f) Barack Obama 3) Is this Zachary Taylor a) Yes it’s Zachary Taylor b) no it’s Franklin Pierce 4) Who ended slavery a) George Washington b) Thomas Jefferson c) Andrew Johnson d) Abraham Lincoln e) Millard Fillmore f) Donald Trump 5) Was Woodrow Wilson president in WWI a) yes b) no 6) Who served longer a) James Garfield b) Zachary Taylor c) Abraham Lincoln d) FDR e) Harry Truman f) Bill Clinton 7) Was John Adams the 2nd president a) yes b) no 8) Who is this a) George HW Bush b) James Monroe c) George Washington d) Abraham Lincoln e) John Quincy Adams f) James Madison 9) Is this Ulysses Grant a) yes it’s Ulysses Grant b) no it’s Rutherford Hayes 10) Did he die a) yes b) no 11) Who served shortest a) William Harrison b) James Garfield c) FDR d) Jimmy Carter e) Zachary Taylor f) George Washington 12) Is this Abraham Lincoln a) yes it’s Abraham Lincoln b) no it’s James Polk 13) Did he have cats a) Yes b) no 14) Is this James Polk a) Yes it’s James Polk b) no it’s James Buchanan 15) Was he ever Vice President a) yes b) no 16) Who liked to hunt a) James Buchanan b) Teddy Roosevelt c) Warren Harding d) FDR e) Martin Van Buren f) Thomas Jefferson 17) Did he have slaves a) yes b) no 18) Who died younger a) Ronald Reagan b) George HW Bush c) JFK d) John Adams e) Zachary Taylor f) Herbert Hoover 19) Is he alive as of 2023 a) yes b) no 20) Was he older than JFK a) yes b) no 21) Who is this a) James Polk b) Bill Clinton c) John Tyler d) Thomas Jefferson e) John Adams f) James Buchanan 22) Is he alive a) yes b) no 23) Who is this a) Jimmy Carter b) Ronald Reagan c) Joe Biden d) George W Bush e) Donald Trump f) Barack Obama 24) Who was the oldest elected a) James Buchanan b) Richard Nixon c) George Washington d) JFK e) Ronald Reagan f) Joe Biden 25) Who is this a) Abraham Lincoln b) Gerald Ford c) Andrew Johnson d) Andrew Jackson e) Martin Van Buren f) John Adams 26) Was he one of the first 10 presidents a) yes b) no 27) Which Andrew is this a) Andrew Jackson b) Andrew Johnson 28) Was he the 19th president a) yes b) No 29) Which president was elected younger a) William McKinley b) Teddy Roosevelt c) JFK d) Abraham Lincoln e) Andrew Jackson f) Zachary Taylor 30) Which one was youngest to take the presidency a) Abraham Lincoln b) Barack Obama c) JFK d) Andrew Jackson e) William McKinley f) Teddy Roosevelt 31) Is this Jimmy Carter a) yes it’s Jimmy Carter b) no it’s George HW Bush 32) Who was the first president to be vice President a) John Tyler b) Joe Biden c) John Adams d) Thomas Jefferson e) Martin Van Buren f) Andrew Johnson 33) Is this James Polk a) Yes it’s James Polk b) no it’s Warren Harding 34) Was he the 5th president a) yes b) no 35) Which presidents VP was the youngest to take office a) Zachary Taylor b) James Buchanan c) LBJ d) James Polk e) FDR f) Harry Truman 36) Who is this a) Donald Trump b) James Garfield c) Joe Biden d) JFK e) LBJ f) Bill Clinton 37) Is this William Taft or Grover Cleveland a) Grover Cleveland b) William Taft 38) Who was the heaviest president a) Donald Trump b) Grover Cleveland c) James Madison d) William Taft e) John Tyler f) George Washington 39) Who was the lightest president a) James Buchanan b) James Madison c) Woodrow Wilson d) Calvin Coolidge e) FDR f) Abraham Lincoln 40) Who was the tallest president a) LBJ b) Zachary Taylor c) Millard Fillmore d) JFK e) Andrew Jackson f) Abraham Lincoln 41) Was he ever vice president a) yes b) no 42) Is this John Adams or Martin Van Buren a) John Adams b) Martin Van Buren 43) Who is this a) Woodrow Wilson b) James Monroe c) William McKinley d) John Tyler e) John Quincy Adams f) Warren Harding 44) Who is the youngest president a) JFK b) Donald Trump c) Joe Biden d) Bill Clinton e) Barack Obama f) George W Bush 45) Which one goes by his middle name here a) John Tyler b) Ulysses Grant c) Rutherford Hayes d) Benjamin Harrison e) George Washington f) Zachary Taylor 46) Which one was never married a) James Buchanan b) Abraham Lincoln c) Andrew Jackson d) William Taft e) Calvin Coolidge f) John Quincy Adams 47) Which President is the oldest a) Andrew Jackson b) James Madison c) John Adams d) George Washington e) Abraham Lincoln f) Thomas Jefferson 48) Which one was the 16th President a) Abraham Lincoln b) Ulysses Grant c) John Quincy Adams d) JFK e) William Harrison f) Zachary Taylor 49) who is the shortest president a) Ulysses Grant b) Chester Arthur c) James Madison d) Abraham Lincoln e) Benjamin Harrison f) Andrew Johnson 50) Is he John Tyler a) Yes he is John Tyler b) no he is Zachary Taylor 51) Who is this George Washington or James Madison a) George Washington b) James Madison 52) Was his Vice President a president a) yes b) no 53) who was an actor a) Ronald Reagan b) Abraham Lincoln c) Ulysses Grant d) John Adams e) John Quincy Adams f) Joe Biden 54) Who is this a) George W Bush b) Andrew Johnson c) Ulysses Grant d) Donald Trump e) Jimmy Carter f) George HW Bush 55) Which president here was Vice President a) Jimmy Carter b) George W Bush c) Abraham Lincoln d) Harry Truman e) FDR f) Andrew Jackson 56) Who had a cat or cats here a) John Tyler b) Zachary Taylor c) Andrew Jackson d) Dwight Eisenhower e) Ronald Reagan f) James Polk 57) Who was the first president to have cats a) Jimmy Carter b) James Polk c) Zachary Taylor d) Andrew Johnson e) Abraham Lincoln f) Rutherford Hayes
Presidents game
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