hackers - Movie came out in 1995., wireshark - Network packet analyzer., captcha - Completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart., dark web - Encrypted parts of the internet that are not indexed by search engines., decryption - The process of decoding cipher text to plain text. so that it is readable by humans., firewall - A security system that forms a virtual perimeter around a network of workstations preventing viruses, worms, and hackers from penetrating., honeypot - Computer security programs that simulate network resources that hackers are likely to look for to lure them in and trap them., malware - A general term for any type of intrusive computer software with malicious intent against the user., domain - A series of computers and associated peripherals (routers, printers, scanners), that are all connected as one entity., rootkit - This one is another type of malware that permits cybercriminals to remotely control your computer.,






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