William Shakespeare - I am known as "The Bard of Avon", my works include tragedies such as "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet". Who am I?, Oscar Wilde - I am famous for my witty comedies such as "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and "The Importance of Being Earnest". Who am I?, Julio Verne - My adventure novels have captivated millions of readers around the world. I am known for works such as "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and "Around the World in Eighty Days". Who am I?, Virginia Woolf - I was a leading figure of literary modernism and author of works such as "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse". Who am I?, Jorge Luis Borges - I am an Argentine author known for my short stories full of labyrinths and infinite libraries. My works include "Ficciones" and "El Aleph". Who am I?, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - I was a German writer and philosopher, known for works such as "Faust" and "The Sufferings of Young Werther". Who am I?, Jane Austen - My romantic novels such as "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility" remain popular to this day. Who am I?, Víctor Hugo - I am the author of "Les Miserables" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame," works that reflect the struggle for social justice and redemption. Who am I?, Charles Dickens - My novels such as "David Copperfield" and "Great Expectations" are considered classics of Victorian English literature. Who am I?, Fiódor Dostoyevski - My works explore human psychology and morality, and are known for titles such as "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov". Who am I?,

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