First person - I,we,etc., Third person - you, a name, he,etc., ton - 2,000 pounds, ounce - 1/16 pound, pound - 16 ounces, oxygen - what plants breathe out, Carbon dioxide - what plants breathe in, foot - 12 inches, inch - 2.54 centimeters, yard - 3 feet, meter - 100 centimeters, decade - 10 years, century - 100 years, or 10 decades., month - the year is split into 12 of these, days - 365 ____ makes a year., hour - 1/24 of a day, seconds - 3600 ________ makes an hour, millimeter - 1,000 ________s makes a meter, evidence - what you use to prove your answers, day - 1/28-31 of a month,

Mixed subject hang man





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