Disability - A physical or mental condition that affects everyday life, making it difficult for the dog to carry out an activity/ movement/ sense., Disorder - Something within the body that has malfunctioned and caused a disruption to a body’s normal function. E.g. over or under production of a hormone., Disease - A state of illness or sickness that produces various signs or symptoms; can be caught either directly or indirectly., Zoonotic - An infectious disease that can be transmitted to humans from animals., Anthroponotic - An infectious disease that can be transmitted to animals from humans., Typical behaviour - A characteristic or behaviour that is normal and expected for a given animal or in a given situation., Atypical behaviour - A behaviour that is uncommon; differs from the norm., Displacement behaviour - Normal behaviours displayed out of context. Can be seen when the dog is conflicted and is trying to deflect, e.g., stress/ confusion/ frustration., Endoparasite - Parasite present on the inside of their host., Ectoparasite - Parasite present on the outside of their host., Ringworm - A contagious fungal skin infection; not an endoparasite.,






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