1) Mesopotamia was located by which two rivers? a) Tigris and Euphrates b) Missouri and Mississippi 2) Mesopotamia was surrounded by mountains, desert, and a) Pacific Ocean b) Persian Gulf 3) The Tigris and Euphrates rivers provides water for a) agriculture b) pools 4) The Tigris and Euphrates rivers provides water for a) traveling b) teaching 5) The Tigris and Euphrates rivers provides water for a) cartoons b) communication 6) Mesopotamia was divided into how many regions? a) 4 b) 2 7) Sumerians first settled in areas called a) county - country b) city-states 8) The Sumerians made what kind of clock? a) water b) electric 9) The clock broke minutes into how many seconds? a) 30 b) 60 10) Calendars were used to mark when a) flooding occurred b) birthdays 11) Sumerian calendars were how many months a) 6 b) 12 12) The people of Mesopotamia created a) cars, robots, and skis. b) wheels, plows, and sailboats 13) Cuneiform is the writing system created in Mesopotamia. a) True b) False 14) Sumerians were ruled by a) Monk - Queens. b) Priest - Kings. 15) Gilgamesh is one of the most famous Priest-Kings and well known as a hero. a) True b) False

Mesopotamia Adapted Story





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