Identify learning objective - Today we will learn how the decisions poets make about structure help to convey meaning. , Connection - Yesterday we talked about different elements of poetry like lines and stanzas. , Explain the Skill - To analyze our poem today we'll use a strategy called Purposeful Patterns. With this strategy we will notice the pattern, identify any places where the poet repeats or makes changes to the pattern, and we will explain what the author is trying to emphasize by changing or repeating the pattern.  , Model the skill - Listen as I read the poem. I see a pattern with the structure of the poem. Each of the three stanzas are made up of 8 lines. I think the author uses this structure to help the reader understand the theme of perseverance., Guided Practice - Read the poem with your partner. Discuss any other patterns or changes in patterns that you see and why you think the author made that decision., Check for Understanding - I'll be moving around and listening in as you work with your partner to identify patterns., Affirming Feedback - Yes, I agree that repeating the last line lets the reader know that it's important and the focus of the poem., Corrective Feedback - You said there is an abab rhyme pattern. That's not present in this poem. Let's take another look to identify the words that rhyme at the end of the lines., Demonstration of Understanding - Each group will receive a copy of a new poem. Use the strategy we practiced to identify patterns and changes to patterns. Include your thinking about why the author made those decisions.,

Explicit Teach Components






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