In America, one out of every four people eats fast food ____ ____ Americans spend over $115 billion on fast food every year, and the rest of the world has developed a taste for it as well. But why is this fact so alarming to health ____ "Your body needs a certain amount of ____ calories, sugar, and salt every day. ...but you should get them from ____ meals spread out over an entire day." For instance, doctors suggest no more than 2.3 grams of sodium per day, which is about one teaspoon of table ____ Many burgers at fast food restaurants have far more than this. If you add a large ____ of chips to your meal, then you could be eating ten times the recommended daily amount of sodium! On top of this, many people drink ____ with their meals. But a single can of cola contains over ten teaspoons of ____ In order to stay healthy, doctors recommend that people avoid fast food and eat fresh , ____ cooked meals instead. So, with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can look and feel your very ____ .






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