1) You are headed to a family dinner. The table is small and you know that you may bump shoulders and arms with the people next to you. You have a small cup for touch, so you know this is a feeling that bothers your skin. To help prepare your body, which of the following will NOT be helpful? a) Spinning 10 times in each direction. b) Completing muscle relaxation before the event. c) Completing brushing to my skin before the event. d) Stepping away right before dinner to spend 5 minutes with a sensory bin. 2) True or False? Having a small cup means that my body and brain can handle less of a certain type of a feeling than other people. a) True b) False 3) What emotion is NOT a sign that a small cup for a certain feeling is about to overflow. a) I know my cup is about to overflow if I feel calm. b) I know my cup is about to overflow if I feel annoyed.. c) I know my cup is about to overflow if I feel aggressive.. d) I know my cup is about to overflow if I feel excited. 4) True or False? One strength of having a small cup pattern of sensory processing is that you may notice more details about your surroundings. a) True b) False 5) True or False? One strength of having a small cup pattern of sensory processing is that you may be good at crafting because of your attention to detail. a) True b) False 6) True or False? The best way to deal with a small cup when it is overflowing is to distract it with an intense sense; for example, if my skin is feeling bothered by the texture of clothing, I should spray some strong perfume to distract my brain. a) True b) False 7) Which of the following is NOT a type of heavy work? a) Laying on your stomach. b) Drinking through a small straw. c) Progressive muscle relaxation. d) Taking a bath. 8) Are the following a sign of a small cup or big cup for visual input: I become frustrated when trying to find something in a crowded drawer or messy room, and I become bothered when I see lots of movement around me (for example, at a busy mall, parade, carnival). a) Small b) Big 9) Are the following a sign of a small cup or big cup for sounds: I am distracted if there is a lot of noise around; I find it difficult to work with background noise (for example, fan, radio). a) Small b) Big 10) Are the following a sign of a small cup or big cup for movement: My body is always moving, even if I am sitting. When other people get tired during a sport, I want to keep moving. a) Small b) Big 11) True or False? It is my responsibility to prepare my body as much as I can, if I know I am going to a place where my small cups may overflow. a) True b) False 12) True or False? Rowan has a small cup for sound, taste, touch, and smell, and there is nothing she can do to feel more comfortable with these feelings. a) True b) False 13) What should I do before sports to help my body understand where it is? a) I should hold still and rest. b) I should do 5-10 minutes of heavy work. 14) Why do my brother's sounds bother me more than other people? a) I have a large cup for sound. b) I have a small cup for sound. 15) Which of the following is NOT an appropriate coping skills to use when brother is making strange noises? a) Putting on some headphones. b) Using a fidget that lets me push into it. c) Using a fidget that lets me pull it. d) Try to make loud sounds to cover his up. 16) Which zone is the person in this scenario experiencing?: Stephanie is getting ready to take a test. Even though she studied, she is worried there will be lots of test questions about the one part of the lesson she just couldn't understand. a) Blue b) Green c) Yellow d) Red 17) Which zone is the person in this scenario experiencing?: Zach has been counting down to his birthday all year, and now it is tomorrow. When he thinks about all of the presents, and all of the friends who will be there, he feels a smile form on his face, butterflies in his stomach and chest, and his heart starts to beat faster. a) Blue b) Green c) Yellow d) Red 18) Which zone is the person in this scenario experiencing?: Jolee cannot shake this cough! Her brain feels like it is taking 5 minutes to process information that should only take 1, and her body is tired by lunch time. a) Blue b) Green c) Yellow d) Red 19) Which zone is the person in this scenario experiencing?: Grace is in her happy place. She lays in her hammock as the breeze from the water floats over her face. She feels like she does not have a care in the world. a) Blue b) Green c) Yellow d) Red 20) Which zone was the person in this scenario experiencing?: Before he realizes what he is doing, James's hand reaches out and strikes the taunting boy across the face. The boy looks stunned; James is stunned. How could that have just happened? a) Blue b) Green c) Yellow d) Red 21) True or False? When our body is in yellow zone, we have a harder time controlling our emotions. a) True b) False 22) True or False? When our body is in yellow zone, we have two choices only: fight or flight. a) True b) False
RCB Sensory Quiz
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