1) You’re making a sandwich but don’t have any bread. What could you use instead? 2) If you need to get from home to school but your usual route is blocked, what could you do?" 3) Name three words that mean the same as ‘happy’—now name three that mean the opposite! 4) Make a word using only these letters: T, A, R, P, O  5) Find the mistake in this sentence: ‘Their going too the store later. 6) What’s wrong with this sequence? Cat, Dog, Bird, Table, Fish. 7) Jordan has a big science project due next Friday, but he keeps putting it off. The night before it’s due, he realizes he hasn’t even started. He feels overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to do. 8) Mia’s teacher assigns a reading log, but every night, she tells herself she’ll do it later. By the time she remembers, she’s too tired, and now she has to catch up on a whole week’s worth of reading. 9) During math class, Marcus blurts out answers before his teacher finishes asking the question. Sometimes, he even interrupts his classmates. His teacher reminds him to raise his hand, but he struggles to stop himself. 10) Emily has soccer practice at 6:00 PM, but she also has a history test tomorrow. She thinks she has plenty of time, so she plays video games after school. Suddenly, she realizes it’s 9:00 PM, and she hasn’t studied at all. 11) Alex is excited to present his group project, but right before class, his teacher announces a schedule change—presentations are moved to next week. Alex gets frustrated and has trouble focusing on the new assignment.





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