A ____ is a kind of literature that is written to be performed by ____ for an audience In a drama, the ____ and characters are developed through the words, or ____, and ____ of the characters. Drama is made up of ____ elements. ____ of them are also in other forms of fiction. Plot is a series of related events that make up a story; parts of the plot are ____ rising action, ____, falling action and ____ A conflict is a struggle (or struggles) between a character and opposing ____ or opposing ____. Setting is the ____ and ____ in which a story occurs. A ____ is a ____ (or an animal) in a literary work Dialogue is the ____ characters speak; a ____ characters have with each other Stage directions are a ____ (the author of the play) written instructions about how actors should ____ and ____ Stage directions also describe how the stage should ____ and how any ____ (items used in the play) are used. A ____ is a section in a play in which all of the events occur in one ____ at one ____. Some plays have only ____ scene and other plays have ____ scenes. A ____ is a speech in which a character speaks to a ____ or absent ____ in a moment of deep ____. A ____ is a special kind of monologue where the character is ____ a stage. The soliloquy reveals what the character is ____ or feeling. An ____ is a brief statement from a character that is made either to the ____ or another ____ so that others on the stage do not ____.

Elements of Drama






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