Pollution from a factory is washed into the Mississippi River. - The population of organisms in the Mississippi River will decrease (go down) over time., A forest is cut down in your neighborhood to make room for a new shopping mall. - Animals who made their homes in the forest either die off or move to another area., Farmers use fertilizers to keep bugs off of their crops. - The fertilizers are washed off of the crops and into local waterways, harming fish., There is a large oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. - The feathers of many birds get coated with oil, making it impossible for them to fly., A population of coyotes who like to prey on rabbits, are hit with a deadly disease. - With fewer predators around, the rabbit population starts to increase., A new oyster parasite perkinsus marinus, has taken hold in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. - Large populations of oysters are dying off., Human activity in and on the oceans can damage coral reefs. - Many ocean creatures are losing their habitats.,

Identifying Changes in Ecosystems





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