Phonological awareness syllables
Mga halimbawa mula sa aming komunidad
5,769 mga resulta para sa ' phonological awareness syllables '
1, 2, 3, 4 Syl Disney Princess
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
How many Syllables (phonological awareness)
2, 3 and 4 Syllable Sort
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Match the Rhyming Words
Short Vowel Sort
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Where is the ppppppp?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Where is ssssss?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Where is the mmmmm?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
initial /n/ vs /m/
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
How many Syllables (phonological awareness)
Syllable Deletion
Flip tile
Phonological awareness activities
Random na kards
Wilson substep 1.1 unjumble #2
Words with -all, -am, -an
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
phonological awareness activities
Random wheel
Wilson substeps 1.2, 1.3
Match the words that rhyme.
Pagtutugma ng pares
R and W Minimal Pairs
Pagtutugma ng pares
Short vowel cvc and ccvc words
Where is the dddddd?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
How many Syllables
Phoneme Manipulation
Random wheel
sort rhymes words with cat and pig
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Where is the kkkkkkkk?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Where is the zzzzzz?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Where is the ttttttt?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Matching Ending Blends Phonological Awareness
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Vibrating or quiet sounds - beginning
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
R Controlled Vowel Sort Phonological Awareness
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
phonological awareness - vowels
Random na kards
1 Matching Ending Blends Phonological Awareness
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Decoding CVC words 10 questiond
2 Syllable words (mixed) Megawords 1
Articulation R Practice
Short vowels - phonological awareness
Buksan ang kahon
How Many Syllables?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Sight Word Sort By Syllable Type
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Listening for syllables
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Phonological Awareness
Random wheel
Find the Ryming Word
Rhyming pictures
Hanapin ang tugma
Hanapin ang tugma
Syllables pretty things
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Read Words - Closed, Open, Silent E
Random wheel
vccv and vcccv words
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
"dge" vs "ge - (d is used at the end of words to protect short/weak vowels)
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Syllable Division- Rabbit or Reptile?
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Phonological awareness activities
Random na kards
Space Cards - Closed, Open, Silent E
Random na kards
All Syllable Division Patterns
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Phonological Awareness Skills Progression
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
Find the Closed🤛Syllable
Gameshow na Pagsusulit
Read Words - Open the Box - Closed, Open, Vowel Teams ee ay
Buksan ang kahon
Syllable Types BIG Sort
Pag-uuri ng pangkat
vv syllable division pattern (lion)