Взрослые Present Continuous
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'взрослые present continuous' için 10.000+ sonuç
Present Continuous Questions, Affirmative and Negative Part 1
Rastgele kartlar
Present Continuous Questions, Affirmative and Negative Part 2
Rastgele kartlar
Kutuyu aç
EF beginner 9A verbs Travelling
Kutucukları çevir
Kelime Çorbası
Present Continuous _wh-questions
Kutucukları çevir
Eminem 2
Cümleyi tamamlayın
Present Continuous
Rastgele kartlar
Make a sentence using Past simple and Continuous
Rastgele kartlar
Present Continuous
Kelime Çorbası
Present Continuous
Kelime Çorbası
What's happened?
Rastgele kartlar
Bg Unit 1-3 to be / not to be
Grup sıralaması
present perfect vs past simple time phrases
Rastgele kartlar
Present Perfect VS Past Simple
Rastgele kartlar
Present Simple Passive Voice
Cümleyi tamamlayın
Active into Passive (Present Simple)
Rastgele kartlar
Superlatives+Present perfect
Rastgele kartlar
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Rastgele kartlar
Present Simple/Present Continuous Rules
Grup sıralaması
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Cümleyi tamamlayın
present perfect simple or continuous
Rastgele kartlar
Надя 1
Grup sıralaması
Present Continuous
Kelime Çorbası
It takes me ... to have breakfast
Family Problems_Gateway B1_Unit 1
Cümleyi tamamlayın
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Rastgele kartlar
Present Perfect + just / already / yet
Rastgele kartlar
Beginner Unit 2-2 Present simple (+/?)
Cümleyi tamamlayın
2. Present, Past, Future continuous
Cümleyi tamamlayın
Make sentenses.
Kelime Çorbası
Present Perfect Speaking
Rastgele kartlar
Have you ever ... Elem Questions
Rastgele kartlar
'To be' or not 'to be'
Kazan ya da kaybet testi
Present Continuous
Kelime Çorbası
Present Simple or Present Continuous + State verbs
Cümleyi tamamlayın
EF beginner 9B Usually she does..., but today she's doing...
Rastgele kartlar
EF pre-int 1C (a)
Kutuyu aç
Present Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Kutuyu aç
Kutuyu aç
Drill Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Rastgele kartlar
Usually they do, but today they are doing
Rastgele kartlar
Future dialogues