Simple Sentences: We are going on vacation next month., My cat is playing with a ball of yarn., She is on my soccer team., Logan and Eli have been friends for many years., I baked a cake yesterday., Compound Sentences: We can go to the movies,or we can go bowling., We went to the store,and we bought a game., He played basketball everyday, so he got really good at the game., I like to eat pizza, but I only eat cheese pizza., My sister rode her bike to school, but I took the bus., Complex Sentences: After I came home, I put the groceries away., Because she was really tired, she fell asleep in the car., When I get home from school, I like to take a nap., I played a game on my phone while we were driving to the beach., I got an A on my test because I studied for it last night.,
Sentence Structure Review
4th Grade
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