C2 efl
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CPE speaking part 1
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C1/C2 The Passive voice
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Writing mark scheme for the C2 Proficiency
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30 C1/C2 Inversion exercises (negative adverbials and conditionals)
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CPE/C2 Collocations and fixed expressions
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Roadmap C1-C2 1A-1B video worksheet definitions
It's a Match

Reported Speech Lead-In
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Reported speech
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Personal Information (Starter)
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Roadmap C1-C2 1b vocabulary
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CAE/C1 - Speaking part 3: Collaborative task useful language
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Classroom Language
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Ordinal numbers - review
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Comparatives - Kid's Box 3
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to be: it, he, she

Beschriftetes Diagramm

Numbers 1-10

Hot Spot 2 Gulliver in Lilliput vocabulary
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JPh It`s a car. The car is blue. The car is in the box.
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Numbers 1-10
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![The Market - Super Minds 2 [Unit 4] FLASHCARDS](https://app.cdn.wordwall.net/static/content/images/no_screenshot.2bi_m__4rvzijs6tyo7ecaw2.png)
The Market - Super Minds 2 [Unit 4] FLASHCARDS
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Roadmap C1-C2 Unit 2B
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Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical)
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School subjects
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Project 1 5D game
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Onscreen C2 Unit 1a
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Weather (New Challenges 1 Module 5)
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Places (part 2) - New Challenges Module 4
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Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking

Learning English (Discussion)
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Past Simple Answer the Questions
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Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
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Rooms (FF1 Unit 8.1)

C1 Personality and behavior collocations
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Keynote C2
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Money Matters 2 - Gateway B2 Unit 5
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WH - questions
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Hobbies (introduction Solutions A2)
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Solutions Elementary WB3A
Modal Verbs (Obligation and Ability)
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Clothes (FF1 Unit 7)
Modifying Comparatives (NTE Upper 2.3)
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My Lunch (FF1 Unit 9.1)
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Describing people C2
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Who is he/she? (to be)
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It's a Match
A2/KET Speaking part 1 - Sampe Questions
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Fun For Movers - Unit 5 - The Woman in Red Dress
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PET/B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 1