Cae efl
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1.577 Ergebnisse für 'cae efl'

CAE Gold p.7 (use of English part 1)
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Use of English part 1 (sleep)
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CAE Use of English (problem syn) sentences + collocations
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CAE use of english part 1 collocations (sleep)
It's a Match

CAE Gold p.7 (collocations)
It's a Match

CAE Gold p.9 (collocations)
It's a Match

CAE Use of English (problem syn)
It's a Match

C1/C2 The Passive voice
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Paraphrasing Advanced


Conditional sentences (speaking)
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Family and friends relationships (c1): speaking
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30 C1/C2 Inversion exercises (negative adverbials and conditionals)
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CAE Speaking Part 3 (phrases)
Die richtige Gruppe

CAE GOLD_Unit 5_Speaking_part 1
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Think of at least two hobbies that ...
Öffnen Sie die Box

Outcomes Upper-intermediate Society
It's a Match

CAE/C1 Speaking Part 2 - Useful language
Die richtige Gruppe

CAE: Cars
Beschriftetes Diagramm

CAE Speaking
Öffnen Sie die Box

Connectors CAE
Die richtige Gruppe

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Questions (Part 1) CAE

Reported Speech Lead-In
Die richtige Reihenfolge

Reported speech
Öffnen Sie die Box

Personal Information (Starter)
Öffnen Sie die Box

CAE (C1 Advanced) Speaking Part 1
Öffnen Sie die Box

CAE Speaking Fillers

CAE Speaking Part

JPh It`s a car. The car is blue. The car is in the box.
Die richtige Reihenfolge

cae cards
It's a Match

CAE Synonyms
It's a Match

CAE Report
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CAE structures
Öffnen Sie die Box

CAE speaking
Öffnen Sie die Box

CAE/C1 - Speaking part 3: Collaborative task useful language
Die richtige Gruppe

Expert Advanced 3A
Die passende Antwort

Classroom Language
It's a Match

CAE - Speaking - tasks 1 & 4

CAE Inversion Task - Red Bus
It's a Match

Ordinal numbers - review
Die richtige Reihenfolge

Formula CAE Unit 1 Phrasal Verbs
CAE speaking Part 1 (1)
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Verbs + to/inf
Die richtige Gruppe
CAE speaking Part 1
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Complete Advanced. unit 2 make, get, get
Die richtige Gruppe
Expert Advanced Module 4A
It's a Match
to be: it, he, she
Comparatives - Kid's Box 3
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CAE Vocabulary Dream Job
It's a Match
CAE/CPE Personality
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CAE Speaking Student A
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Numbers 1-10
CAE U13 healthy discussion
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Beschriftetes Diagramm