population - the number of people, crude birth rate (CBR) - the number of birth per 1000, crude death rate (CDR) - the number of deaths per 1000, natural increase rate (NIR) - the excess of births over death (CBR-CDR), natural decrease - the excess of deaths over births, population explosion - rapid population growth, population distribution - how the population is spread out over a country, population density - number of people living within a square km/mile, population pyramid - a graph of the age and sex of the population, population structure - the age and sex of the population, dependency ratio - people younger than 15 plus people older than 65, population cycle - how population changes as the economy develops, child mortality rate (CMR) - the number of children who die under the age of 5, life expectancy - the number of years a new born baby can expect to live, migration - people moving from place to place, emigration - people moving out of a country, immigration - people moving into a country, pull factors - things which attract people to move to an area, push factors - things which cause people to move away from an area, barriers to migration - things which make migration difficult, doubling time - the number of years needed to double a population, infant mortality rate (IMR) - the total number of annual deaths of infants under one year old, total fertility rate (TFR) - The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years, zero population growth (ZPR) - A decline of the total fertility rate to the point where the natural increase rate is zero, pro-natalist policies - government policies designed to increase the birth rate/fertility rate of an area, anti-natalist policies - Government-made policies that restrict having a certain number of offspring by law, such as China's one-child policy, which serves to decrease the NIR law, such as China's one-child policy, which,
Population Vocabulary
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