1) ... is her name? Her name is Beyonce. a) Who b) Where c) How d) What 2) ... is she? She is Oprah, the TV presenter. a) Who b) Where c) How d) What 3) ... are you from? I'm from Canada. a) Who b) Where c) How old d) What's 4) ... Montreal like? It's beautiful! a) What's b) How c) Where d) Who 5) ...are you today? I'm good thanks, and you? a) What's b) How c) Where d) Who 6) ... he? He is my brother. a) Who's b) Where c) How d) Who are 7) ... is he? he's twenty-eight. a) What b) Who c) How old d) Where 8) ...he like? He's very nice. a) What are b) Where c) How old d) What is

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