Acting - التَّمْثيل , Did you see….? - هَلْ رَأَيْتَ….؟, A woman Crying - اِمْرَأَةٌ تَبْكي, Homeless - مُتَشَرِّد, Asks for help - يَطْلُبُ المُساعَدَة, Are you affected? - هَلْ تَأَثَّرْتَ؟, Fabricated - مُصْطَنَعَة , They show it - يُظْهِرونَها/ يُظْهِرُ, Actor - مُمَثِّل, Fake feelings - أَحاسيس مُزَيَّفَة, Real feelings - أَحاسيس صادِقَة, Community Service - خِدْمَةُ المُجْتَمَع, Reform and fix common errors - إِصْلاحُ الأَخْطاء المُنْتَشِرَة, Spreading knowledge and culture - نَشْرُ الثَّقافَةِ وَالمَعْرِفَة, Theater, television and cinema - المَسْرحُ وَالتِّلْفاز والسينما, commercial advertisement - اِعْلانٌ تِجارِي, Politicians - رِجالُ السِّياسَة,

C4-Gr9-Unit#4-Acting التمثيل


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