1) What is 6/10 in standard form? a) .40 b) .6 c) .04 d) .06 2) In the number 235,864 what place value is the number 3 in? a) Hundred Thousands b) Ten Thousandths c) Thousands d) Ten Thousands 3) True or False? If something is LESS than a whole, it is to the left on the decimal.   a) True b) False 4) Which is longer: a snake that is 12.456 inches or snake that is 12.465 inches? a) 12.456 b) 12.465 5) In the number 1.427 the number 2 is in the ___________ place value. a) ones b) hundreds c) hundredths d) thousandths 6) 1 unit = 1 __________. a) whole b) half c) quarter d) tenth 7) 2 and 1/10 =  a) 2.01 b) .20 c) 2.1 d) .5 8) What is the product of 7x10 3 a) 210 b) 7000 c) .7000 d) 70 9) How would you write 5000 in expanded form? a) (5 x 10) 3 b) (10 x 5) 3 c) (5 x 10 3 ) 10) What is 508/1000 as a decimal? a) .508 b) .058 c) .0058 d) 5.08 11) What is .05 as a fraction? a) 5/10 b) 10/5 c) 5/100 d) 5/1000 12) In a fraction, the number on top is called the _____________? a) denominator b) numerator 13) How many zeros do we annex in the number 10 4 ? a) 10 b) 2 c) 4 14) .003 is 1/10 of __________? a) .0003 b) .03 c) .3 15) In the number 10 6 , which number is the base? a) 1 b) 10 c) 6 16) .004 as a fraction is _______________? a) 4/10 b) 4/100 c) 4/1000 17) .07 is ten times greater than which number? a) .7 b) 7 c) .0007 d) .007 18) What number is equivalent to .8 ? a) .08 b) 8 c) .80 19) What is (5 x 1/1000)? a) 5/1000 b) 5 and 1/1000 c) 1/5000 d) 5/100 20) Which is GREATER? 7.359 or 7.593 a) 7.359 b) 7.593 21) In the number 534, 273.8 what place value is the number 8 in? a) hundredths b) tens c) tenths d) ones 22) Which is LESS .543 .544 .5431 a) .543 b) .544 c) .5431 23) The numbers .723 and .7230 are equal? a) False b) True 24) The number 9.203 rounded to the nearest whole number is _____________? a) 9.200 b) 10 c) 9



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