It's a place on the Internet where you can find information about something, especially a particular organization - website, It's someone who works in politics, especially an elected member of the government - politician, It's an actor, and director whose perilous acrobatic stunts and engaging physical humour made him an action-film star in Asia and helped to bring kung fu movies into the mainstream of American cinema. - Jackie Chan, It's the holiday activity when you live in a tent - camping, It's a mobile phone that is also a small computer and can connect to the Internet - smartphone, It's a very active type of physical exercise which you do to music, usually in a class - aerobics, It's the largest country in South America whose national football team is the most successful in the FIFA World Cup. - Brazil, It's a building where you watch films on a big screen. - cinema, They are games which you play on your computer - computer games, It's a Japanese dish that consists of small cakes of cooked rice served with raw fish - sushi, It's a room or building containing books that can be looked at or borrowed - library, It's someone who steals things from another person or place - thief, It's an artist (musician , actor , painter etc) who performs in a public place, usually for donated money. - street performer, It's a cream that you rub into your skin to stop the sun from burning you too much - sun cream, It's a place where children study - school, It's a computer that you can carry with you which has a touch screen and does not have a separate keyboard - tablet, It's a Japanese fighting sport, in which you use your feet and hands to hit and kick - karate,

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