Kupu-kupu itu cantinc - That butterfly (is) beautiful, Ikan paus sangat besar - A whales (is) very big, Puma makan laba-laba BESOK - Puma will eat a spider tomorrow, Lumba-lumba SELALU senang   - Dolphin (is) always happy, Jual ayam merah - Selling red chicken, Bebek suka berenang DI SUNGAI - A duck is swimming in the river, Kelinci suka makan wortel - A rabbit like to eat carrots, Kalajengking berbahaya - A scorpion (is) dangerous , Kura-kura adalah hewan favoritku - A turtle is my favourite animal, Aku lihat ikan hiu DUA HARI YANG LALU - I saw a shark 2 days ago,

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