1) Who can pay associated Paypal fees? (HINT: There are two correct answers) a) The Hosting Committee b) Paypal c) Grand Chapter d) The ticket purchaser (consumer) e) SAC 2) It is her responsibility to ensure all committee members are financial members of SAC. a) Minerva b) The Committee Chair c) The Assistant Financial Secretary d) The President e) The Financial Secretary 3) When does a soror become a member of SAC with all rights and privileges of a financial member? a) After Grand Chapter completes processing of dues and posts member to the chapter’s financial roster b) When they want to vote for the next line c) When they were financial last fiscal year d) When you are initiated through SAC e) As soon she pays dues to the Chapter 4) Committee chairs and co-chairs are allowed to collect funds of any sort on behalf of the chapter. a) True b) False c) It depends 5) For a committee member to get their voucher approved, what is the approval chain for vouchers? a) Chapter President, Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer b) Assistant Treasurer, Chapter President, Treasurer c) I don’t need approval, I can sign my own voucher d) Committee Chair, Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer/President 6) Checks written to the chapter should be made payable to? a) DST b) Southfield Alumnae Chapter c) Soror Toya R. B. Thomas d) Delta Sigma Theta Southfield Alumnae Chapter e) SAC f) Delta Sigma Theta 7) When is it required to mail your receipt to the PO BOX when submitting an e-voucher? a) Never b) When you have an electronic receipt c) When you have an original register/printed receipt d) When you have an invoice 8) When can you submit a PayPal request to ICT without Finance Approval? a) When I get approval from the Committee Chair b) When the event is within 30 days c) When I get approval from the President d) Never 9) Who approves the financial budget for the Chapter? a) Finance Team b) President c) Chapter Members d) Executive Board e) Committee Chairs

Finance Quiz


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