If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?, If you were an animal, what animal would you be?, If you went back in time, what year would you go to?, If you had a special power, what would you be able to do?, If you could make one change to the world, what would you do?, If you could change something about your past, what would you change?, What would you like to do if you were a member of the opposite sex for one day?, If you had billions and billions of dollars, how much would you give to charity, and which charities?, If you could go on a date with anyone in the world, who would it be?, If you stopped studying English, would your life change?, If you told me all of your secrets, would I be shocked?, If you changed your name, what name would you choose?, If you could speak three other languages. What would they be?, If you could decide what happens in your life tomorrow, what would you want to happen?, Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?, If a natural disaster hit your town, what would you do?, If you became a rock star, what kind of songs would you sing and what image would you have?, If the world was going to end tomorrow afternoon, what would you do up until that time?, If you were the world’s best at something, what would you like to be best at?, If you were a colour, what colour would you be and why?.
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