What are the 7 S's - Securing the scene, Separating the witnesses, Scanning the Scene, Search for evidence, Seeing the scene, Sketching the scene, and Securing and collecting evidence , Who are the professionals at a crime scene? - Police Officer, Crime Scene Investigators, Medical Examine, Detectives, and Forensic Specialists, What are the 4 different routines to find evidence on a scene - Spiral, Grid, Linear, and Quadrant/Zone searching, What is Direct Evidence - Firsthand observations or Eyewitness accounts, video surveillance, and confessions, What is Circumstantial Evidence - Indirect Evidence that can imply a fact, but does not prove it., What is Class Evidence? - Evidence that narrows to a group of people or things, What is Trace Evidence - Small, but measurable amounts of evidence, What are fingerprints? - Fingerprints are unique ridges found on the hands and feet, What is the study of fingerprints identification? - Dactyloscopy, When does the fingerprint form? - They form in the wound around 12 weeks, Where is the Epidermis found? - Outer Layer, Where is the Dermis found? - Inner Layer, Where is the Hypodermis found? - Deep Fatty Layer, What are the 3 groups of fingerprints? - Aches (5%), Loops (65%), and Whorls (30%), Which way does radial loops point? - Towards the thumb, Which way does an ulnar loop point? - Towards the pinky, How many points for a fingerprint to be considered - 10-12 points , What are the two things that forensic scientists look for in a fingerprint - Core and deltas,
Forensic Science Study Guide-Emanuel "Manny" Craig
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