1) They_________________ to France many times. a) has be b) have be c) have been d) has being 2) He________________ a lot of videos for his students. a) has made b) has work c) have made 3)  _________ you ever___________ to New York? a) Has - be b) Have - be c) Has - been d) Have - been 4) Things___________a lot since May. a) are changing b) have changed c) has changed d) have change 5) I_______ __________ been to Australia. a) has never b) have to c) has be d) have never 6) He______ ________ here for many years. a) has lived b) has live c) have lived d) have live 7) ________ you ever_______ to Sao Paulo? a) Has - been b) Have - be c) Have - been d) Has - be 8) I_____ ________ The Walking Dead many times. a) have watch b) have watched c) has watched d) has watch 9) I've _________Greek food when I traveled there. a) tried b) try c) not tried d) thrown 10) A lot of people _____________ love online these days. a) has found b) have found c) have find d) has find

Present Perfect review 2B


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