True: Skips with a rope, Runs avoiding obstacles, Throws a large ball to a partner and catches it, Forms letters, Writes own name, Colours in pictures, Counts accurately up to 10, Adds two sets of objects together, Understands the need for rules, Names the time of day associated with activities, Uses complex sentences with words such as 'because', Can talk about what has happened and what might happen, Uses language to argue and answer back, Can work out what other people may be thinking, Negotiates with others, Develops close friendships, False: Threads a large eyed needle , Compares self with others, Confidence may be shaken by failure, Can tell the time, 'Conserves' quantities and numbers, Has strong friendships, often of the same gender, Reads facial expressions accurately, Understands that others have different viewpoints than them, Recognises what others may be feeling, Balances on a beam, Rides a bicycle, Recognises numbers to 100, Understands and enjoys jokes and riddles,

Expected development at 5 Years Old


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