Do you fold your pizza?, What is your most used emoji?, Who was your childhood famous crush?, What celebrity do people say you look like? , What one food item would you eat for the rest of your life? , What is your go-to karoke song?, Whati s the best superpower?, What is the story behind your phone background?, What is the weirdest thing you have in the room with you?, What emojie best describes how you are feeling right now? , Are you more productive in the morning or at night? , What is something interesting we wouldn't know about you by looking? , What is your number 1 local recommendation?, How would you desribe your job to a five year old? , What was your first job?, What is a curent trend that you don't understand?, What was your first online screen name, Would you let aliens beam you up if they to Earth, What is a simple dance move you are bad at? , What reality show would you want to be on?.

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