é - I (ending), ás - you (ending), á - he/she/it/Ud (ending), emos - we (ending), án - they (ending), compraré - I will buy, compraremos - We will buy, jugarán - they will play, escucharás - You (inf.) will listen, comeré - I will eat, hablará - He will talk, veré - I will see, irán - They will go, trabajará - She will work, disfrutarán - They will enjoy, estarán - They will be (condition/location), estará - You (form.) will be (condition/location), serán - They will be (not condition/location), será - You (form.) will be (not condition/location), dormirá - He will sleep, dirás - You will tell; you will say, habrá - There will be, saldremos - We will leave, tendremos - We will have, sabrás - You will know, harán - They will do, vendrá - He will come, podré - I will be able, querrás - You (inf.) will want,

El futuro (inglés = español)


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